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2024-2026 協會幹事 Committee Members
President 主席
Ms. Ng W.P., Charlotte 吳慧萍
Vice President 副主席
Ms. Ng L.X., Lisa 吳勵欣
Secretary 秘書/Treasurer 財政
Mr. Fan H.Y., Tony 樊浩賢
Public Relations 公共關係
Ms. Cheung S.Y., Rachel 張倩茹
Ms. Pan S.W., Pancy 彭詩瑋
Editor 編輯
Ms. Chan M.Y., Jann 陳文意
Honorary Advisor 榮譽顧問
Dr. CHIU K.C., Gordon 趙啟聰牙醫
Specialty in Periodontology
FDS RCS (Edin)
FCDSHK (Periodontilogy)
FHKAM (Dental Surgery)
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