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                                                                     The HKDHA 2018-2020 president nomination and

                                                         election has ended and it is my honor to be elected as the

                                                         president of the HKDHA 2018-2020. I thank President Lexie

                                                         Lai for her service to the Association and I would like to take

                                                         this opportunity also to thank all of you for your support and

                                                         encouragement so that I can be successfully elected and have the

                                                         opportunity to serve Hong Kong Dental Hygienists. It is with a humble heart that I am taking up the post and ready to accept the challenges of my dental hygienist career.


          I was graduated from Dental Technology in 2013 and worked as a full time in-house dental technician in a private practice in Central. 1 year later, I got the opportunity to work in a Singapore dental clinic as a dental technician and dental surgery assistant. Having worked as a DSA at one of the more renowned dental clinics in Singapore for two years, I was inspired to become a dental hygienist. I have seen lots of patients suffering from different kinds of preventable oral diseases or problems unfortunately due to their poor oral hygiene and dietary habit. I realized that dental hygienists play a significant role in reducing the onset of those preventable oral issues. Therefore, I went back to HK for studying the Dental Hygiene Course in 2016 and graduated in 2018. 


          Over the next two years the new term Committee will continue to uphold the principles of the Association, organize more continuing education courses to strengthen the relationship between HK DH and HKDHA, increase the transparency of the Association’s operation and promote public awareness of their oral health by organizing more charity event, and the most importantly, improve the representativeness of the Association.

螢幕截圖 2019-02-14 上午10.10.17.png

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